Thursday, September 11, 2008


So I have decided the DVR is one of the greatest inventions out there. With one flaw. I can't take it with me.

The networks should love me because I watch anything and everything out there. And then of course talk about everything I've watched. I am even to the point where I am recording two shows and watching a third on the tiny tv in my bedroom. (Yes I know this sounds lame but trust me I'm multitasking while watching tv. I have a new puppy who keeps me busy). Anyways. My DVR filled up dramatically over the last week because of all the new shows starting. I have to see which ones I want to watch. But now I am going away this weekend. And it will continue to record and no one is watching. Before I know it, it will be full, and I will feel like I am drowning in tv shows.

So you techy's out there, need to find a way to create a miny DVR. Where I can transfer specific shows to this miny DVR and take it with me. Connect it to other tvs or a computer even. Watch it while I am stuck on my flight or visiting my parents. This would be awwwweeesssooommmeee. And yes I know the networks are all worried about copywrited stuff yada yada. So put some securities on this miny dvr. Like once its on the DVR it can't be transfered elsewhere. It can only be overwritten. Yes, I think this is a marvelous idea. And when I mean mini I mean like USB Flash drive mini.

So techy's out there. Get a crackin'!